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Friday, 7 August 2015


Country: Syria
REF NO: CST-0424

Education :  Bachelors Degree
Experience :  Not Required


-Financial: The financial accountability and direct responsibility of the job holder if any.

The typical Personal Skills and Profile Characteristics of suitable candidates would be:-

International work experience
Experience of leading, managing and motivating a team (both internally and external consultants etc.) on multi projects or large and complex projects
Experience of managing budgets and forecasting expenditure
Experience of key project processes such as design principals and management, construction processes, procurement and tendering
Sound Knowledge of health and safety, contract law, environment and building regulations
Excellent IT skills
Effective communicator with excellent influencing and negotiating skills
Ability to work in a pressurized environment
Results and focused individual
Excellent analytical and problem solving skills using a flexible pragmatic approach
Enthusiastic and able to inspire others
Ability to adapt to and manage change
Knowledge and understanding of Industry best practice.
Relevant professional qualifications


1)Departmental Strategic Activities
Contribute to the development of the department by championing strategic initiatives to develop best practice processes, procedures, controls and systems.
Manage individual team members personal corporate and project objectives, monitoring progress and mentoring more junior team members. 
Assist and advise on the annual list of consultants and contractors for approval.
Assist with the delivery of the approved Business Plan.
Identify and manage key department, project development and construction risks.
Maintain good relationships with all major consultant and contracting groups, project managers and key design firms.
Advance the department and company's knowledge, understanding and experience of all construction related matters.
Maintain awareness of regional industry, legislative and professional changes and ensure best practice is embedded within project delivery.
Acts as an ambassador for the department and GROUP. 

2)Pre-Development Activities
Assist the development team in establishing the design and development briefs for the development, including the overall masterplan, the functional criteria, outline concept design and financial performance of the development.
Establish and maintain a Master Development Programme.
Appoint a consultant team to assist with the development as necessary and develop the Scheme Design through staged gateway sign offs.
Assist the development team with the planning, consents. permits and other regulatory applications for consent 
Assist the development team with discussions with appropriate outside groups who may influence the development or construction including any Tenant, Purchaser or Fund, JV Partner, Development partner, adjoining owner, environmental group, archaeological department, statutory undertaker
Assist and Advise the Development team in the negotiation of tenant leases ensuring detailed landlord and tenant obligations are clearly understood, costed and analysed. Ensure any specific landlord obligations are incorporated into the landlords design.
Assist and advise, as required, in the negotiation for the assembly of development land 
Ensure necessary Building regulation/permit applications and in particular building regulation waivers are obtained
Arrange, attend and if necessary chair design team, policy, progress and other appropriate liaison meetings. 
Consult with the Insurance Brokers to ensure that our Insurance interests are maintained and safeguarded

3)Development Feasibility and Cost Control
Assist the Development team in establishing budgets for the development. In particular establish, own and manage budgets for any account in connection with the construction of the development, appointment of the professional design team and any other relevant accounts as agreed with the Project Owner
Manage feasibility design options in line with scheme development
Assist the development team in the preparation of any financial appraisal and feasibility studies relating to the development including budget estimating, cost planning, cashflow forecasting and advice on procurement, and development programme. 
Assist the development team with the assembly and maintenance of a project Risk register 
Maintain a cost control system throughout the project, providing regular financial updates to the development team and Project leader. Ensure sound financial project management including accurate budget forecasts to completion, cashflows and financial tracking of key accounts
Agree, finalize and appropriately close and document all budget accounts prior to the Project Close.

Establish the most suitable method of procurement of construction services
Instruct, manage and ensure that appropriate procurement and tendering documentation is prepared appropriately detailing the design and the requirements of the employer in respect of the construction of the development in accordance with the agreed development programme and the agreed procurement strategy
Prepare appropriate tender analysis and recommendations
Ensure appropriate internal and external approvals are in place prior to Contractor appointment
Appoint suitable Contractor(s) to carry out the construction

5)Detailed Design, Construction and Development Delivery
Develop the detailed design ensuring concept and schematic design intent is protected.
Ensure the issue of construction and production information and the release of other information is issued in accordance with development, construction, design and procurement programmes. 
Ensure that appropriate building contract documents are prepared and executed
Ensure that the Contractor builds in accordance with the requirements of the Employer.
Monitor progress on site and minimize actual and potential delays to the construction programme
Ensure that interim and final valuations are prepared and regular (monthly) certificates are issued
Liaise with 3rd parties (incoming tenants and occupiers, purchasers, funders, etc..) and co-ordinate their requirements in connection with the development
Manage and procure any Approved Employers Change requirements using an agreed Change order process ensuring development team approval in line with the development appraisal and board approved sums
Ensure the Building Contract is administered in accordance with its terms, and ensure that all statements of practical completion are issued
Manage, monitor, co-ordinate and control all aspects of the project including but not limited to time, quality, cost, value, risk logistics, neighbor relations, safety, quality, M&E, design and environment 
Identify & manage key construction risks and oversee the resolution of disputes with contractors.
Manage the tenant fit out process in conjunction with in-house retail delivery team, including commissioning of plant & machinery before hand-over. 
Take responsibility for ensuring safe working practices are adhered to for all site personnel

6)Handover, Post Construction and Project Close
Co-ordinate the handover of all building and development sections
Ensure all appropriate testing and regulatory building consent certificates, operation and maintenance manuals and record drawings are produced
Arrange for occupiers and staff to be instructed and trained for the appropriate building use
Ensure remedial works and resolution of building defects are completed timely and that appropriate making goods defects certificates are issued
Conclude final account negotiations with all Contractors, Consultants and Suppliers. Ensure that appropriate and proper retentions are released
Ensure lessons learnt workshops and documentation is prepared and made available for the benefit of future projects 

Ensure that the payment of contractors and professional consultants Invoices are timely
Manage, advise and resolve any disputes in connection with the development generally
Generally assist the development team to ensure that relevant approving authorities and boards are kept informed and updated of general development progress
Generally Assist the Development team in securing as necessary any board consents and approvals for initial and subsequent monies to complete the development
Generally be aware of and ensure the Project Design and Delivery respects the Companies Sustainable development aspirations.
Generally ensure the project Design & Delivery respects the companys aspirations on Health and Safety.


The Senior Project Manager (SPM) is a valuable part of the Development team and will report to report to the VP Project Management and the SVP of Project Management. The SPM will take a leadership role in the delivery of a number of developments or large and complex developments, through all key gateways in accordance with the development brief and within agreed cost/time/quality parameters. In addition the SPM is expected to contribute to the development of the departments portfolio wide strategic initiatives.


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